Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dinner Time

I have always liked to cook for myself. The only problem is food in London is very expensive. So I'm trying to get the hang of stretching meals and materials as long as possible. One of my favorite dishes I have made is sort of bruschetta.
It's a really easy recipe, and it uses up all the odds and ends of bread! Not to mention it's super yummy.
Basically, all you do is...
1) Sprinkle a bit of oil on the bottom of the tin foil if you are cooking on a tray. If you're cooking in a pan, sprinkle it on the bottom as well. When I cooked in a ban I may have forgotten to do that until the I just sprinkled oil on top and mixed it in and it all came out fine!
2)cut or rip up bread
3) Break some cheese bits over the bread
4) Add fresh tomatoes! In the picture above, these tomatoes were from making "oven tomato sauce". There is another post on that later.
5) I sprinkled some herb seasoning on top for a bit more flavor.
6) This is the only weird part. Our oven is in Celsisus, and sort of a weird oven as it is. 200 C is 392 F so I usually go a tad under the 200 mark, and cook it for 10 minutes or less. It is very quick and easy!

This is when I cooked it in a pyrex pan. This is also with fresh tomatoes. I prefer it with fresh tomatoes. Either way, it is delicious!



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