Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Sorry this post has taken so long! I really wanted to make sure it was nearly perfect before I published it. It was one of the most wonderful trips I have ever been on, and I wanted to do it justice!

In October, I went to Naples, Italy to visit my family. It was wonderful, absolutely wonderful. 

I left my flat at 4:30 am (ugh!) to catch a 6:25 flight. I flew from the UK to Frankfurt, and then from there to Naples. One of the amazing things about Europe, is everything is so close! I was in the air for a little more than 4 hours, and went from low 60’s and windy to 85 degrees and sunny. 

My first day, I must admit I was very worn out from travelling. Needless to say, that did not stop me from having Pizza. Naples is famous for their pizza. As a passionate lover of pizza, I can fully vouch for them; it is delicious. I was so fortunate to be staying with my relatives, who know the best of the city. Therefore, I had the absolute best and most authentic food this weekend. 

That day, I ended up enjoying a wonderful homemade lunch and dinner from my relatives (the first of many). In the nighttime, I walked around with my cousin and saw Naples at night. Cities are always so beautiful at night, and they have such a different atmosphere.

Oh before I forget-It was so nice to wear shorts and t-shirts all weekend! 

On Friday, I explored Naples with my cousin. I rode on the back of his motorcyle (!) and he pointed out the sites. We did a self-guided tour of the palace, which was beautiful. The palace was built by one of the Spanish kings of Italy. I must say, I love the history of European royalty; the splendor is something we don't have as much in the states, and it's remarkable how old and detailed the royal past is. After snapping some pictures on the square, we went and got some pasteries-yum! You may be starting to notice that I pretty much didn't stop eating that weekend. My sweet relatives would not let me go hungry, and wanted me to enjoy everything! We also went to a street that had nativity set makers. It was amazing! It was such a "Naples experience". That day I also walked up one of the castles, and saw a gorgeous view of the bay and Vesuvias. Another thing I love about Southern Italy, is the buildings are painted happy, bright colors. The skyline consists of lemon yellows, corals, and stark whites. Of course, I ate lots and lots of food for ldinner and lunch. I was so full! But there is always room to squeeze in Gelato. Early in the day, I had a black forrest, which was a frozen gelato-fondent mix. Then later, I had a cone filled with Chocolate sauce, with chocolate and almond ice cream. Oh. My. God. Heaven.

Saturday, I went to Pompeii and Sorrento. I have studied Pompeii in school for so long, and it was top of my list of things to see! It really was remarkable. It really is in amazing condition. I couldn't get over the columns and mosaics. Sorrento was a perfect afternoon: the beach, the sun, and delicious food. It was amazing.

Sunday, I watched some soccer and even the Red Sox with my cousins! It was a really great watching soccer with super-fans and explaining baseball. Overall, it was a bittersweet day. I got to both visit-and meet-some of my relatives. But it was really hard to say goodbye. I really treasure my Italian heritage, and value my grandfather's decision to immigrae to the states. I can't imagine how hard it was, and how it is still hard to not be with your family.

I was sad to leave Italy, and even now, I miss it so much! I hope to be back soon!



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